In a world where Going Green is not only a catch phrase but a growing way of life, Industrial Surplus Inc. is a leader in innovative thinking. Their approach to silver recovery from x-ray film in the medical field allows professionals to adhere to patient privacy standards as well as standard practices regarding toxins. They also add a cushion to their bottom line by adding a new source of income.

By employing a trusted firm in the industry in Little Rock, AR, clients receive a professional experience with services geared towards their needs. This includes not only the safe disposal of NDT film through xray film recycling and silver recovery but also by completely destroying the images on medical dental xray film. This is an important part of patient privacy and security. When the process has completed, clients receive a certificate stating that all records were destroyed properly.

When clients take advantage of silver recovery from xray they are also choosing to take part in helping the planet. By utilizing the services provided at Surplus Industries Inc. clients become part of a movement to lower the stress on the earth's supply of silver, which is used in xray film. They are not only contributing to meet the silver demand through a clean and environmentally friendly way, they are also helping themselves. Recovery companies offer compensation to clients for their contribution to their silver recovery from xray film.

When clients choose to become a silver recycler, they invest in their own business as well. By earning compensation for their recycling efforts they create another form of income for themselves. Clients also help to maintain the level of professionalism expected by an ever growing environmentally conscious public. And by using Industrial Surplus Inc. clients also gain piece of mind by working with a trusted firm with expert experience in xray recycling and film disposal.