Fires, equipment destruction, power outages, and costly remediation efforts are the result of improper circuit breaker oil draining. Companies that do not know the safe procedures for transformer oil disposal are the companies that will bid low and their cost will be high when the final bill is in. The federal government has ruled on the proper safety procedures, but cascading these down to the work crews doesn’t always happen. Therefore, the oil disposal is a task for crews experienced in transformer construction, transformer oil, and oil disposal. The crews at Industrial Surplus Inc. are expertly trained to perform every function with precision to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Take a look at: 

Part of our expertise is grounded in the guidelines of the government procedures stipulated in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). We are also knowledgeable about disposing of this material according to government procedures and we protect our customers with this ACT. We have all of the equipment and skill to empty the oil from the transformers and transport it safely to a decontamination site.

The process of recycling oil that is contaminated with PCBs requires experience. Transformer oil may have accumulated heavy metals after many years of use, and during its life time many other contaminants have penetrated the oil in Maine. While PCBs have been around for many years, the danger involved in extracting PCBs from the oil has not changed. We are constantly learning about the best method for removing and recycling PCBs from oil. Industrial Surplus World also buys Non pcb oil.

Transformer oil importers sell oil that is clean and of a high grade. They are required to certify the oil that they are selling meets federal standards. This oil is a by-product of gasoline production and is actually a mineral oil. 

Transformer oil buyers are hopefully interested in buying the clean and recycled oil. The transformer oil price varies depending on the price of the barrel of oil and the gasoline refinery prices.