Transformer oil plays a critical role in modern power transfer equipment. While many consumers and small businesses may not be familiar with transformer and circuit breaker oil, it plays a pivotal role in transfer of power. Since there are many regulatory requirements for transformer oil disposal in Nebraska, its important to use a company that provides an affordable and EPA-approved disposal solution. Industrial Surplus Inc. can assist with transformer oil disposal.
Industrial Surplus works directly with a variety of transformer oil importers and exporters. Since used transformer oil may contain trace levels of PCBs, it can not be reprocessed and used in the United States. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States has strict regulations regarding non PCB oil, there are many countries that are permissive of trace levels of PCBs. Transformer oil buyers in developing nations will often purchase products that can not be used in the United States. Since the transformer oil price can be significant in many areas, this is a great way for businesses to save money and reduce costs.
PCBs were originally used to prevent arcing in oil filled transformers. Since an air gap can transfer electricity under the right conditions, it's important for transformers to use a medium that can not conduct electricity. Many early transformers used mineral oil with PCBs to prevent the transfer of electricity.
PCBs are similar in structure to many human hormones. Over time, exposure to PCBs can increase an individual's risk of cancer and other serious diseases. Since PCBs don't naturally degrade in the environment, poor disposal practices created a hazardous environment in many industrial areas.
Nebraska has strict regulations regarding the disposal of these oil products. Since there may be some trace levels of PCBs in modern transformers, it's essential to follow safe disposal practices. Always avoid the risk of spills or other accidents when working with PCBs. Contamination of a water supply with PCBs can create a serious health hazard for thousands of people.
Industrial Surplus Inc. has extensive experience working with these oil products and many other industrial chemicals. Contact Industrial Surplus today.