Many Oil transformers that are a major functioning part of our electrical grid have been in service for over 50 years. The design and manufacture of transformers have improved considerably since the first group was mass produced. The installation techniques have also improved. The corrosive potential of each transformer has steadily increased as they age. The point is that manipulating any part of the transformer to drain the oil can result in serious problems. No company is better equipped or more experienced at working with all transformers than Industrial Surplus Inc.
We have been keen observers of the pin hole leaks in the Snake River transformer system which allowed 44 gallons of highly contaminated oil to leak into the Snake River. While this was not cause by oil disposal efforts, many leaks have been caused during draining because of the weakness of certain parts of the transformer. Industrial Surplus Inc. is trained to examine the transformer and all connecting tubing and mounting parts before we attached a disposal line. We take care to ensure that any vibration traveling through the disposal line back to the tank does not weaken the transformer to the point of causing a slow leak that may not be noticed until long after we have left.
We examine the tank and the appropriate lines to assess whether we have need to be cautious or otherwise take action to prevent a leak before we start and after we are finished. We take pride in our work in New Hampshire.
Disposing of oil is a serious task requiring well-trained people who recognize the many manufactured types of transformers. Another problem we are trained to work with is the contamination of the oil. Perhaps as much as 99% of the oil in transformers today is contaminated by pollutants. We are diligent in handling the oil to not allow any oil to contaminate the ground. We work with PCB oil and we buy Non pcb oil.
The transformer oil buyers and transformer oil importers are useful in that they make a market of selling clean transformer oil and buying transformer oil free of PCBs. We constantly monitor transformer oil price. We are very competitive in the pricing of transformer oil disposal.